7 Life-Changing Ideas from The Almanak of Naval Ravikant

Rahu Ram
5 min readMar 15, 2021

“Making money is a skill you learn, not a thing you do.”

Imagine you lost everything, you lost your job, you lost all your money. And to make it worse, you were thrown in some random place that you haven’t heard before. Will you become rich from that position?.You can go and work for someday jobs, but are you going to be rich. The answer is no. Can I able to become rich. Yes, You can.

If you have the skill set of making money, then the rest is history. If it is a Skill, then anyone can learn it. Playing Guitar is a Skill, Confident Communication is a Skill. If it is a Skill, we can learn it. Some people know how to do that. Some of us don’t. So the question is how to get rich without getting lucky?

Here I share 7 life-changing ideas that personally helped me a lot with you. I promise it’ll help you look at the world from a different view.


“Seek Wealth, not money or status. Wealth is having assets that earn while you Sleep”

What is money, and what is wealth? Money is just social credit. Let’s say you have done some work, and then you’ll get it as a credit for the job. Wealth is different; it has the assets that earn you while you sleep. For example, you have money, bought land, built a house on it, and rented it. It makes money for you. But yeah, It is an ineffective form of utilizing the resources. Ravikant says

“The real wealth is created by starting your own companies or even by investing.

Wealth is creating a computer program that running at night, serving other customers. Wealth is even money in the bank that is being reinvested into other assets that earn you while you sleep.”

Building a Business, Buying equity, Creating codes like creating an app like Facebook, Google. If you can’t code, focus on Media like Blogging, Podcasts, Youtube. You may don’t know the power of media. Kindly note that Joe Rogan earns around 50 million$ to 100 million$ every year only through his podcasts. These are the things that’ll help you more for your financial freedom.

“So the definition for wealth is businesses and assets that earn you while you sleep.”


“You will get rich by giving society what it wants but doesn’t yet know how to scale it.”

If you look at every successful organization. In every business, one thing in common: they are more valuable because they create more value for Society. If you look at Apple, Google, Amazon, Tesla, yeah, they are the world’s most valuable companies. But why it is most useful because they create more value to Society. If you find a problem that was not solved and you can provide a promising solution, that means you had found a gold mine.

“Forget Rich vs. Poor, white-collar versus blue. It’s now leverage versus un-leverage.”


“Be the best in the world at what you do. Keep redefining until this is true.”

What is the one thing that is common in Elon Musk, Virat Kohli, Bill Gates, Lebron James, Cristiano Ronaldo, Will Smith, James Cameron?

Yeah, They are famous, obviously. Not only that, they are also best in their respective fields. You can’t replace them in their area. The probability of replacing them is zero. Ira Glass puts it best “Be so good they can’t ignore you.”Whatever the domain you are in, business, sports, acting. Be the Best at what you will do, and everything will take care of itself.


“Ignore people Playing Status Games. They Gain status by attacking people playing wealth creation games”.

We all have someone in our life who focuses on showing superiority over others, playing status games. If you ever face this kind of person, kindly say Good luck and ignore him. And at the same time, We all been through this phase in our life. Where we compare ourselves with others, Kind of Relative mindset. i.e., we compare our success with others. Okay, my friend got a high paying job than I. The Problem is it creates envy; it creates Hate. And I don’t believe you can hate and be happy at the same time. Get out of the relative mindset. Always Comparison should be Me Yesterday vs. Me Today. Not my level 1 with someone else’s level 100.


“Play long-term games with long-term people.”

There is no such thing as an overnight success. There is no way you can become an expert in something in little time. There is no way you can truly understand someone by spending less time with them. Always whether in business, career, relationship. As James Clear in Atomic Habits puts it best, 1% improvements daily do massive returns overtime. It is valid for everything from wealth, relationship, knowledge. So if you find the right thing to do, the right people to live with. Stick with it and invest in them deeply. Always Play long-term games. That’s how compound interest helps you in the long run.

All the returns in life, whether in wealth, relationship, or knowledge, come from compound interest.



“Impatient with the actions. Patience with the Results”.

Ya, ya, I can hear. Getting Rich overnight may be a thing you can wish for. Still, the probability is very less.No one becomes Sachin Tendulkar Overnight.Not Even Sachin Tendulkar.

Jack Ma considers himself as a failure till the ’30s. Vijay Sethupathy started as a side role in movies in 1996, before his lead role in 2010. a.

Yes, it takes time. And again, Yes, it is worth it.

“Everybody wants to get rich immediately, but the world is an efficient place. Immediate doesn’t work.”


Who do you think is successful?

In the end, if you ask Naval Ravikant who is successful?. Is it Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos?Is it Virat Kohli or Sachin Tendulkar?. This is the best answer I ever heard. A Person who has more money or less money, more achieved or less achieved, does not have any effect on his mental state is what successful to him. Compete without compete. Desire without desire, does that makes sense?

